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Clinical Investigations on the Influence of the Retch-Ing Irritation (Gag-Reflex) During Laryngoscopy via Vari-Ous Stimuli of the Triggering Point (Ren Mai 24) in the Mento-Labial Fold

H.P. Ogal ,B. Eistert 2, H. Hammermann 2, C. Schellenberg I, S. Duennes 1, W. Krumholz 3, H. Glanz 2, G. Hempelmann 1

Dep..of.Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine,Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany 1
Department of ENT, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany 2
Department ofAnaesthesiology, Bethlehem Hospital, Stolberg Germany 3

Method:In 8 groups of 30 patients (n=240) various procedures of reducing an increased retching irritation (gag-reflex) during laryngoscopy were randomized and simply blind studied during the ENT check-up.

  • Surface anaesthesia with lidocain spray
  • Acupuncture at Ren Mai 24
  • Falsum-acupuncture at the lateral chin
  • Placebo treatment (inactivated laser pen)
  • 0.5 ml NaCI 0.9% injection at the acupuncture point Ren Mai 24
  • Lidocain 0.5% injection at the acupuncture point Ren Mai 24
  • Lidocaine 2.0% injection at the acupuncture point Ren Mai 24
  • Laryngoscopy without pre-treatment (control group)                     

Results: Treatment with acupuncture at the Ren Mai 24 showed the most distinct reduction in retching reflex (gag-reflex).

Summary: Of the 8 above mentioned groups, acupuncture at the Ren Mai 24 showed a distinct reduction of an increased retching reflex (gag-reflex) in laryngoscopy during the ENT check-up.

  Abstracts of ICMART '98 International Medical Acupuncture Congress


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